Friday, July 3, 2020

How safely can we repair our iPhones during this COVID-19 pandemic?

iPhone 8 Water Damage Repair |

During this critical time of the COVID-19 pandemic, all our regular functions have been
interrupted. Due to the mass spread of this virus around Californian states, the government has implemented lock-down for a period to keep the people safe from infections. Even many have lost their job due to lock-down as all the organizations stopped operations thoroughly to maintain the precautions. But despite following all the regulations and safety measures the spreading of this deadly virus can’t be prevented and we need to follow the safety measures till no proper antivirus comes in our reach.

Repair your iPhone during this COVID-19:

Now during this crisis period if our iPhone gets damaged anyhow, then getting it repaired became a more hectic job due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Though the AppleCare service centers are opening and operating now after the lock-down period is over, but you need to reach physically to get the phone fixed and the transportation system has not resumed in many places. In Pomona, the best cell phone repairing services are providing solutions online if possible, and repairing the phones with utmost caution. Even the online services are at a standstill due to protect its employees.

Diagnose the nature of your damage

If your phone is not damaged physically or by water, maybe there is no need to take the phone to the service centers and the problem may be fixed over phone or internet connectivity. Because in this asking time of COVID-19 pandemic we should try to stay back in our homes and shouldn’t go out unless it is highly required. So if your phone stopped working suddenly or malfunctioning during operations then first attempt to solve it via online support.

Use the support app for software or connectivity related issues

As there is an Apple Support app to assist online for any connectivity or software related issues. Through  this app, you can connect with the Apple employees and they can help you online to overcome your problem. In this process the support representative to run a diagnostic report via the application and can suggest the potential repairing methods. Also, you can contact the mobile repair shops in Pomona as they are highly professional and experienced.

Contact service centers for any physical and water damage 
If your iPhone is physically damaged or not working due to water damage, then you need to schedule a repair from the authorized Apple service provider by signing in with the Apple ID. They will assign you to date accordingly so that the social distancing and all other protective cautions can be followed. But if it is taking more than enough time, then alternatively you can visit the shops for computer or laptop repair in Pomona, as they will fix your phone instantly at a considerable price.


We all need to follow the utmost caution during this COVID-19 pandemic to keep our families safe from this virus infection. Many mobile repairing shops are picking up the damaged phone and delivering it after repairing, maintaining all the protective measures. Now as we have mentioned if your iPhone is not damaged physically, then first you should try via the Apple support app so that can be fixed online. Also, you may contact Dandrelectronix as the best cell phone repairing in Pomona, for fixing your phone is a smart and  quickest way and you will be safe from the risk of getting infected.

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