Thursday, October 7, 2021

6 Common Computer Monitor Problems

There could be many computer PC problems. A few of these issues are very simple and easy to troubleshoot. To get into the root cause of a particular problem, you must probe effectively, so that you can troubleshoot accordingly. Thorough scrutiny is necessary so that you can take the right actions as needed.  


Immediately after observing an issue immediately do not rush for computer repair in Redlands. It may so happen that you can fix the issues in the DIY method. When the commonest fixes don’t work, then it is possibly a hardware fault that you must check whether it should be repaired or replaced 


In this article, we have identified six commonest computer problems and solutions that you can try as well if your computer monitor has no signal. 


  1.  Power and Cable Issues 


Carefully observe your computer and find out whether there are any cabling or power issues. 

This happens to be quite a simple check. Figure out the cabling between your monitor and PC so that there aren’t any loose connections. Any loose HDMI cable may prevent the output from your PC to be displayed. The display cable may be damaged as well. If it is cable damage, change it for an alternative. There might also be a power issue that prevents the monitor from normal functioningWhen the monitor displays a no signal error, then the monitor may have power. However, if your computer isn’t on, no error can be displayed. 


  1. The trouble with Monitor Input Source 


A no signal error on the monitor may suggest that your computer’s monitor is overlooking the graphics output from your PC. This may happen when the input source on your monitor is tuned with the wrong device. Maximum display monitors feature many input sources such as HDMI, VGA, and DVI inputs. This allows you to access multiple devices to the same display. Confirm if the input source on your monitor is set perfectly. If not, switch to the appropriate source such as HDMI or DVI for modern PCs. 


  1. Problem with Monitor Resolution 


The monitor of a PC has several display resolutions to display your PC output. When the PC’s graphics card is set to a display resolution more than the capacity of your monitor, you’ll get a blank screen in all probability. 


To fix a blank monitor screen after modifying your display settings is an easy step. All of a sudden, if you see that the monitor has lost resolution after you altered the settings, pause for 15 seconds as Windows will get back to your previous resolution after this point. 

Also, you may restart Windows and boot into Safe Mode. Windows will apply a much lower display resolution in Safe Mode instead of regular use. This will allow to you modify your standard display resolution to a lower setting that the monitor can support. 


  1. Graphics Card Drivers Not Updated 


In the case of a display problem, the monitor can be the main focus of your diagnostic endeavors. But the graphics card could be the more notorious culprit. When you find a blank screen on a new monitor, then it is quite possible that a new graphics card driver is not in order. 

Upgrade the graphics card drivers unless the graphics card is very new. You must regularly upgrade your drivers for new features and bug fixes.  


  1. Problem with the Monitor Or PC 


If you’re confirmed that it isn’t a software issue deterring the display, then you must try with an alternative monitor or PC to troubleshoot. When you find that the problem persists, then it could be an issue with your PC that must be further diagnosed. 


Accordingly, if your monitor stops functioning, but a spare is fine, then it could be an issue with your monitor hardware.  


  1. Hardware Issues 


If you’vchecked with all potential software solutions and any issues with your hardware can be probed with other attached devices, then you have to think of hardware replacement. 

A broken graphics card may stop any display output to your monitor, leading to a no-input signal. If the drivers aren’t the root cause of the problem, you must change your graphics card. 




These six troubleshooting steps can be of immense help if you don’t see any signal on your PC monitor. Still, if it doesn’t work you must take it to the nearby store for computer repair in Lake Elsinore .

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