Monday, May 24, 2021

10 Steps to Clean and Maintain Your Laptop


You must take proper care of your laptop to keep it working. Laptop maintenance requires you to following a few simple steps that will ensure that your device lasts longer and requires less repair 


Many of the steps will also help your laptop hardware maintenance. It is also a welcome move to check your laptop once in a while for removing any errors or problems which might have piled up during the regular usage. 




  1. Don’t keep liquids close to your laptopYou might be tempted to drink coffee, cola, water, or any other liquid close to your laptop. Remember that accidents can occur all too easily. There is no point in searching for laptop repair in Redlands if you are negligent. It’ll be better for you to use a cup with a cover on it. So, even if it spills, the liquid doesn't spread anywhere else. Spilled liquids may impair the internal microelectronic components or lead to electrical malfunctioning. Short circuits can erase data or even permanently vandalize few parts of the laptop. The solution is to keep your drinks away from your computer. Do not allow someone else like your pets to spill your drink. 


  1. Installing antivirus software is the best defense against any virusThough you must be aware of what you download, it could still contain a virus. If you decide not to install any antivirus software, there is the threat of a circuit error or software problem in your system. The virus may also decelerate the system’s operations and performance. 


  1. Don’t keep food near your laptop. Don't feast over your laptop, athe crumbs can fall between the keys leading to inviting small bugs or jeopardize the circuitry. What can be worse is thathe laptop will appear untidy if there are crumbon it. 


  1. Don’t use your computer in a room where pets stay. Their fur or hair can get inside the internal components and harm them. Remember that larger animals like dogs can damage them by mistake by their actions of knocking them off their support by brushing past, wagging tail, tripping over leads, etc. 


  1. Normally keep the computer in a neat and clean room. The room should be free from dust. Else, you might have to look for laptop repair in South Riverside. 


  1. Clean hands always before using your laptop. Cleaning hands make it convenient to use your laptop touchpad and there will be lesser threat of leaving dirt and other stains on the computer. Moreover, if you clean your hands before using your laptop, you will minimize wear and tear on the coating due to the contact with sweat and small particles that can pile up against the laptop's exterior. 


  1. Safeguard the LCD monitorIf you switch off your laptop, just ensure that there are no small items, like a pencil or small earphones, on the keyboard. These can disfigure the display screen if the laptop is put off on them. The screen will scratch if the item is rough. Shut the lid softly and holding it in the middle. Shutting the lid from only one side exerts pressure on that partand in due course of time can bend and snap. 


  1. Hold or lift the computer from its base, not by its LCD screen). If you attempt to lift it by the screen only, you could jeopardize the display or the joints connecting the display to the base. The display is also effortlessly scratched or mutilated by direct pressure. Refrain from putting pressure on it. 


  1. Avoid pulling on the power cord. Tugging your power cord out from the power socket instead of pulling directly on the plug can lead to the cord breaking off from the plug or damage the power socket. Additionally, if the power cord is close to your feet, be alert that you don’t kick it accidentally. Rather, it is best to avoid m bumping into the plug totally as you could loosen it and finally break it. 


  1. Avoid rolling your chair over the computer cordFix the cord onto your desk with tape or a special computer cord tie which can be conveniently undone if you've finished using the laptop. Always remember that you have to keep the cord away from the floor and your legs. 


These few steps are important for the maintenance of your laptop. Even laptop battery maintenance cannot be ignored under any circumstances. 

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