There are computer monitor problems, a few of which are simple to troubleshoot. If the commonest fixes don’t work, then it is probably a hardware fault that you must probe for repair or replace. Here are few troubleshooting steps you can attempt if your PC monitor has no signal.
Check The Cable and Power
Look at your PC carefully and observe to conclude that there are no cabling or power issues.
This is an easy check. Trace the cabling between your monitor and PC so that there are no loose connections. A loose HDMI cable can prevent the output from your PC from being displayed.
The display cable could be damaged too. In case of cable damage, change it for an alternative. There could be a power issue too that prevents your monitor from working properly. A technician for computer repair in Redlands has suggested that if the monitor displays a no signal error, then the monitor may have power, but if your PC isn’t on, no error will be displayed.
Check The Monitor Input Source
A no signal error on a monitor may suggest that your PC monitor is overlooking the graphics output from your PC. This may occur if the input source on your monitor is tuned with the wrong device.
Most display monitors have several input sources like VGA, HDMI, and DVI inputs. This lets you connect with multiple devices to the same display. Check whether the input source on your monitor is perfectly set. If not, switch to the correct source like HDMI or DVI for modern PCs.
Verify Monitor Resolution
A PC monitor has many display resolutions for displaying your PC output. If your PC’s graphics card is set to a display resolution above the capacity of your monitor, you’ll mostly find a blank screen.
Fixing a blank monitor screen after changing your display settings is a simple method. All of a sudden, if the monitor has lost resolution after you changed the settings, hold on for 15 seconds as Windows will revert back to your earlier resolution after this point.
You can also restart Windows and boot into Safe Mode. Windows will use a much lower display resolution in Safe Mode rather than normal use. This will let you change your standard display resolution to a lower setting that your monitor can support.
Upgrade Graphics Card Drivers
During a display problem, the monitor can predominantly be the focus of your diagnostic efforts. However, the graphics card could be the bigger culprit, often found during computer repair in Rancho Cucamonga. If you see a blank screen on a new monitor, then probably a new graphics card driver is in order.
Upgrade the graphics card drivers unless the graphics card is very new. It’s suggested that you upgrade your drivers regularly for new features and bug fixes.
Check With an Alternative Monitor Or PC
If you’re sure that there isn’t a software issue deterring your display, then you are suggested to try an alternative monitor or PC for troubleshooting.
If the problem persists, then it could be an issue with your PC that must be further diagnosed.
Similarly, if your monitor stops working, but a spare is fine, then it could be a problem with your monitor hardware.
Change Your Hardware
If you’re done with all potential software solutions and any issues with your hardware can be replicated with other attached devices, then you have to contemplate hardware replacement.
Remember, a broken graphics card could prevent any display output to your monitor, causing a no-input signal. If the drivers aren’t the problem, you must change your graphics card.
These six troubleshooting steps can be of immense help if you don’t see any signal on your PC monitor. Still, if it doesn’t work you must take it for repair to the nearby store.
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